Support the WWDI's efforts to conserve African wild dogs in the Waterberg.
Support the
Waterberg Wild Dog Initiative
EFT Details:
Waterberg Wild Dogs
First National Bank
Branch Code: 210 554
Type: Gold Business Account
Number: 629 159 782 27
First National Bank
Branch Code: 210 554
Type: Gold Business Account
Number: 629 159 782 27
Credit Card:
The WWDI can accept credit card donations via the Yoco platform.
Donate to a Specific Need
Friends of the
Waterberg Wild Dogs USA
Friends of the Waterberg Wild Dogs is a USA-based non-profit organization (50(1)c3) (EIN 92-2507160) that supports the WWDI’s efforts to research and monitor the Endangered, African Painted Dog in the Waterberg region of South Africa by coordinating fundraising efforts from the United States.
Donations can be made to Friends of the Waterberg Wild Dogs USA via PayPal or by mailing a cheque to:
406 Sethne Ct, Monona, WI 53716

We receive a portion of the proceeds from the sales of the following
Books by Author Alex Kendziorski
To our generous donors
for supporting the WWDI's efforts to conserve the unique Waterberg Wild Dogs